We are excited to begin our series on "Sankalpa Suryodayam," a profound work by the esteemed philosopher and poet, Swami Desika. This series will delve into the masterpiece, as interpreted by the scholar U.Ve. K.E. Devanathan Swami. 

"Sankalpa Suryodayam" beautifully illustrates the dawn of divine will and its implications on the path of righteousness and devotion.

"Sankalpa Suryodayam" uses the metaphor of the rising sun to symbolize the awakening of spiritual awareness and the illumination of the soul. Swami Desika’s poetic narrative not only captivates the reader with its vivid imagery and philosophical depth but also serves as a guiding light, inspiring spiritual seekers to cultivate virtues and strive for spiritual awakening.

This work emphasizes the interplay between cosmic order and individual purpose, highlighting how divine will shapes and directs human destiny.

The central conflict in "Sankalpa Suryodayam" is between the key characters, Viveka Maharaja and Maha Moha Maharaja. Viveka Maharaja's wife is named Sumathy, while Maha Moha Maharaja's wife is called Dhurmathi. Maha Moha Maharaja has seven ministers: Kaman (Desire), Krodhan (Anger), Madan (Arrogance), Maathsaryan (Jealousy), Dambhan (Boasting), and Stambhan (Obstinacy).

Maha Moha Maharaja's mission is to prevent souls from following the paths of Prapatti and Bhakti to attain Moksha (liberation). Maha Moha seeks to use Kaman and Krodhan to entice souls with temporary pleasures, diverting them from the pursuit of eternal bliss in Moksha (freedom from the cycle of births and deaths). Maha Moha despises Viveka Maharaja, whose virtues and objectives are entirely opposed to his own.